“Are You Ready for the Next Evolution?”
The HKIFA 18th Annual Conference is a full-day physical event from 8:45am to around 3:45pm, followed by networking drinks, on Monday, June 23rd, 2025.
The Conference aims to provide a platform to facilitate in-depth discussions of key factors that will shape the future of the fund management industry.
Some of the topics that will be covered:
- Collaboration and connectivity – from the perspectives of regulators, fund managers and distributors
- Mainland-related initiatives – what is the current state of play and what next
- Distribution – how the landscape is changing
- AI/Technology – what are the impacts for the financial services industry?
- Opportunities and challenges in the Middle East market – insights and sharing
The Conference has established itself as one of the most important industry events showcasing the strength and potential of the fund management business in Hong Kong. Market participants, regulators, distributors and other stakeholders can network and discuss issues pertinent to the industry; and see how we can work together to foster Hong Kong’s position as a premier fund hub.
We very much look forward to your participation, contribution, and enrolment.
For more details, please visit https://www.plus-concepts.com/hkifa2025/.
The HKIFA 17th Annual Conference is a full-day physical event from 8:45am to around 3:40pm, followed by networking drinks, on June 24th, 2024.
This year, our conference is titled “Em–”, the prefix that signifies our industry’s embarkation on a new chapter:
“Embrace” the change, “Empower” our people, “Enable” our connectivity with China, and “Encourage” innovation. And the list goes on and on…
The reason why we use “Em–” as the theme is that we hope to turn this event into a collective effort – an event that is by all and for all. All industry participants are welcome to provide words that start with “Em–” (e.g. embrace, empower…) to indicate what we, collectively, can and need to do more to enable the HK fund/asset management industry to rise to the next level and scale new heights. The words provided will be shown in the “Word clouds” at the Annual Conference.
At the event, we will address a range of topics including new technologies such as tokenization, new fund distribution platform and the eMPF platform. As well, we will also discuss the opportunities and challenges in strengthening Hong Kong and the Mainland’s connectivity.
The conference has established itself as one of the most important industry events showcasing the strength and potential of the fund management business in Hong Kong. Attendees would include fund managers, distributors, trustees, lawyers, accountants and other related professionals.
We very much look forward to your participation, contribution, and enrolment. For more details, please visit https://www.plus-concepts.com/hkifa2024/.
香港投资基金公会第 15 届年会于2022年6月24日(星期五)在香港JW万豪酒店举行(年会将以实体方式举行,另备视像直播)。本届年会将以「香港 – 策略性的互联互通国际金融中心」为主题,旨在提供一个平台,让行业代表深入探讨带动基金管理行业高质量发展的因素及趋势。
香港投资基金公会第 16 届年会旨在为市场参与者(包括基金业的分销商、基金经理、服务商)、监管机构和其他持份者提供一个可以互相交流和连系的平台。在会议上,业界的翘楚会就如何共同推动基金/资产管理行业更上一层楼分享见解。
- 香港作为基金/资产管理中心的竞争力
- 环境、社会及公司管治(ESG) 的最新趋势和落实方式
- 步入「退休后阶段」要考量的事宜
- 中国市场:机遇与挑战——在岸与跨境的众多渠道。应如何善用机遇?
- 如何培养和支持下一代的业界人才
- 代币化和加密
本届香港投资基金公会主题是「Re」。我们欢迎金融业界人士以「Re」去提供相关的词汇(例如,re-connect、rejuvenate等),旨在表达您对推动基金/资产管理行业进一步发展的愿景和建议。字眼将会在活动中以「辞汇云」(Word Cloud) 展示。