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HKIFA Media Event – Panel Discussion on MPF




Central, Hong Kong


12:00 - 13:00

Organized by


HKIFA hosted a media panel on Sep 19 on MPF investment strategies and the evolving development of MPF.

Heidi Cai from ChinaAMC, Terrance Kan from Fidelity, Freddy Wong from Invesco, and Roger Lau from Schroders shared insights on MPF employees’ investment behaviors, the implications of the latest interest rate cut on different asset classes, as well as tips on how to review one’s investment portfolio. 📊

Our panelists also discussed the potential of the e-MPF platform, which is gearing up for full operation at the end of next year. They expected MPF members can benefit from a more innovative product suite, and enhanced service offerings, empowering MPF members to manage their MPF assets more efficiently and effectively. 💼✨

A huge thank you to our four panelists and the media who joined our event. Stay tuned for more HKIFA events on MPF and retirement planning. 🌈