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Beijing QDLP, QFLP Pilot Program Seminar (members only)




Beijing & Online



Organized by

Beijing Private Equity Association, Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, HKIFA

In recent years, China has accelerated the opening-up of China’s financial service sector, releasing a series of new policies and guidelines to provide foreign financial institutions easier access to China market. With the further deepening of financial reform and opening-up, a series of foreign financial institutions continue to increase their investment and business in Beijing. Beijing has also further promoted the facilitation of cross-border investment through QDLP and QFLP pilot program.

To enable foreign institutions to better understand China and in particular, Beijing’s foreign investment implementation policies, Beijing Private Equity Association (北京基金业协会) has lined up Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (香港创业及私募投资协会) and HKIFA to jointly hold Beijing QDLP, QFLP Pilot Program Seminar.